The Project

Computers, Cognition and Communication in Control: A strategIc partnership (Co4AIR)


Co4AIR is carried by a strategic partnership composed of 8 European institutions involved in Computers, Cognition and Communication (Co3) in control, a field that draws upon computer science, mathematics, telematics, robotics, computer architecture, embedded systems, real-time systems and many others. This strategic partnership groups highly-qualified researchers involved in the International federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). The project is in perfect line with the vision of the IFAC in the area of Education.

A situational analysis has identified two major difficulties in the domain of Co3 in control education: the various gaps between theory and practice and a lack of real case studies in current curricula. Moreover, the research community is fragmented into a large number of sub-communities, some of which enjoying a high level of autonomy.

Working under these assumptions, Co4AIR focuses on three (3) objectives, which address key needs in this field: i) investigate the theory-practice gaps in the teaching of Co3 in control, ii) develop and test new course content integrating multi-sectorial courses, iii) design and develop a pedagogical multimedia product and a student contest; both of them to be validated during two summer schools organized by the members.

The concrete outputs of the project to meet these objectives will be:

a Skills/competence Matrix: a tool used to compare the required competencies for a student and to design course content,

a Serious Game: a pedagogical multimedia tool with high educational potential implementing learning-by-mistake methods

a student contest: an event which challenges student teams to design, build, and test efficient solution for current, real-life, human-in-the-loop Co3 in control problems.

Dissemination in the community via i) an outreach paper: a paper on scientific knowledge and current challenges related to Co3 in control education to be published in a high-quality journal on Education Innovation and Research, and ii) plenary sessions and organization of ad-hoc events in the IFAC conferences 2020 & 2021.

As researchers engage as equal partners and work together in partnership, communicate and coordinate expertise in transnational meetings and exchange in the design of intellectual outputs, training activities and multiplier events, this strategic partnership will translate the identity of each member into relevant and high-quality skill set for a student of Co3 in control. In addition, industry professionals integrate external sources of knowledge and represent the reality of the labor market in Co3 in control. They are invited to prepare courses for the summer schools, participate in the transnational meetings, and be part of the academic advisory board.

In this way the project's activities answers the challenges of Co3 in control.

Co4AIR launches a strategic partnership between a selection of learning institutions with top-of-the-range expertise. The project's activities answer the challenges of Co3 in control. In targeting key competence in modern Co3 in control education, it develops and tests tools for the assessment and transfer of those competence.


The Co4AIR objectives are to investigate the theory-practice gaps in the teaching of Computers, Cognition, and Communication in Control; to develop and test new course content integrating multi-sectorial material; and to design and develop a pedagogical multimedia product and a student contest, both of these to be validated during two summer schools organized by the consortium. The project kicked off with a meeting at the University of Maribor, Slovenia, on September 27th 2018. It will be running from September 1st 2018 to August 31st 2021, and its budget from the EU is 340540EUR. More information about the project can be found at


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