Marga Marcos :: Projects

Integrating dIstributed Intelligence and semantIcs for smart factory (SMART-i4.0 - DPI2015-68602-R)

  • Lead researcher: Marga Marcos - (01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018)
  • Funding body: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness

The combination of Internet, intelligent machines, production systems and processes has derived in the fourth industrial revolution. This time, physical world is being seamlessly integrated into the productive processes through the network. The ‘Industry 4.0’ concept arises as a way to face the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. But this concept is much more than the ‘internet of things’ or smart factory (both included in industry 4.0), as it emphasizes the idea of consistent...

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QoS_DREAMS - QoS-Driven REconfigurAtion of distributed systeMS (QoS_DREAMS - DPI2012-37806-C02-01)

  • Lead researcher: Marga Marcos - (01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015)
  • Funding body: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness

The general aim of this project is to analyse the viability of the application of domain modelling techniques and components technologies to design and develop complex, distributed and reconfigurable applications. We will partilarly focus on the dynamic reconfiguration of applications in two different areas: distributed automatisation applications and distributed embedded applications. Thus, one of the aims of this project is to analyse the use of multi-view modelling techniques both for designing (specification) and...

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iLAND- mIddLewAre for deterministic dynamically reconfigurable NetworkeD embedded systems (ILAND_ART-010000-2009-7)

  • Lead researcher: Marga Marcos - (01/03/2009 - 28/08/2012)
  • Funding body: ARTEMIS and Ministry of Science and Innovation

The main objective of this project is to offer support to the dynamic behaviour of future embedded systems, known as cyber-physical systems, which are characterized by their heretogeneous devices with different resource restrictions and both functional and non-functional requirements. For this, we need to have mechanisms that allow them to adapt to their environment, such as connection/disconnection of devices, reconfiguration responding to alarms, soft degradation of functioning, etc. In order to meet these requirements...

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