Itziar Cabanes Axpe :: Projects

Investigación colaborativa en energías renovables marinas 2016-2017

  • Lead researcher: José Luis Villate - (26/02/2016 - 31/03/2017)
  • Funding body: Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza CONVOCATORIA ELKARTEK 2015

Los objetivos del proyecto son: Vencer las barreras tecnológicas actuales que frenan la implantación de esta tecnología. Lo que se concretará en: -       Facilitar el desarrollo de las tecnologías capaces de captar la energía de las olas y aerogeneradores marinos. -       Investigar en soluciones que permitan optimizar la extracción de energía. -      ...

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Methodologies and support tools for the development of distributed industrial control systems (MERCONIDI) (DPI 2006-04003)

  • Lead researcher: Marga Marcos - (01/10/2006 - 30/09/2009)
  • Funding body: Spanish Ministry of Science and innovation

The main objective of this project is to develop methodologies and tools that allow us to form a bridge between the state of technology and the design and development of distributed industrial control systems, addressing the characteristics of these systems and the current standards. Thus, we will provide methodologies and will create design and development support tools of these systems that are based on the latest technologies, but which are transparent to the final user, to whom we offer the terminology, notation, and...

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Modelling distributed control systems based on XML to integrate COT tools (DPI2003-02399)

  • Lead researcher: Marga Marcos - (01/12/2003 - 30/12/2006)
  • Funding body: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

The aim of this project is to develop methodologies and tools to design and develop distributed control systems (DCS) with a high degree of flexibility, reliability, and reuse of developed applications. The great progress that has occurred in recent years, both for hardware systems specific to control (PLCs, industrial computers, industrial fieldbuses, controllers, etc.) and for multidisciplinary COTS tools (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) (code analysis, simulation and generation in different areas of knowledge) offers great...

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